Surprisingly inspiring.
Achieving objectives.
Coaching at all levels
How do you bring focus to an organization? What do you do to motivate and inspire? What do you use as a ‘wake-up call’? How can managers and employees develop? Everyone, from top to bottom, grows through coaching. Gaining new insights can be done in many ways: 1-on-1, in a small or large group, as a program, team building or as a lecture.

You make real contact
in person
- Personal development is faster with personal contact
- A coach/inspirator stimulates talent and creates new energy
- Change comes about after activating the right mentality

The need for inspiration sessions,
lectures and coaching
A learning organization reaps the benefits of personal growth. A good work culture encourages employees, reduces work stress and strengthens the bond with the organization. By coaching employees and managers you give them appropriate insights and a fresh mindset to achieve objectives. Consider, for example, interactive sessions in which knowledge is shared. Sessions in which confrontation is allowed, where mirrors are held up, but inspiration is the norm. You only accept that from trainers with (life) experience and top expertise. Trainers with a proven story.

About our coaches:
Hans van Breukelen – Graduated pedagogue, former Dutch soccer international, former director KNVB, inspirator, speaker, coach
Benno Diederiks – Trainer, training manager, Master Human Resource Management, coach
Bas Kodden – Professor of Leadership & Management Development, author, speaker, coach

“Self-insight is the basis for professionalization of my team”
Sustainable employability
and productivity
Healthy and satisfied employees perform better and remain associated with an organization longer. Vitality, enthusiasm and knowledge are the connecting factors. Coaching is one of the right tools and helps employees gain the necessary insights. Organizations perform better with an active training and coaching program. Individually, as a team and in terms of ‘bottom line results’. Continuing to improve is a necessity nowadays. The culture of a learning organization is a priority . The outside world is in top gear and is quickly gaining an advantage over your organization.

Suitable for: personal development, performance improvement, group focus, motivation, sustainable employability, SHEQ programs, team building, HR management
Inspiration and coaching
with stimulating themes:
Leadership in times of crisis
Keeping your organization or team running: from leadership to taking charge.
Make your Comeback
Discover your own pitfalls and challenges. Reclaim your resilience. What do you want and need to do differently?
Meet the HERO within yourself
How to become a Highly Energetic Leadership Doer. Result: better performance and more pleasure in your work.
The art of sustainable performance
The secret of winning individuals and teams. Discover why personal characteristics and character traits are much more important for sustainable performance than thought.
Want to know more?